World Summit on Sustainable Development Targets: briefing

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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

8 September 2004

Chairperson: Ms Z Kota (ANC)

Documents handed out
Press Statement by Minister of Housing on the New Housing Plan

The Committee discussed a recent local summit hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to ascertain local progress in meeting the targets of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in 2002. Discussions centered on water, sanitation, human settlement and the environment, and it was agreed to overall, good progress was being made. The Committee also discussed their building of a house near Cape Town, and anticipated this would happen when Members returned from their constituencies next month.

The Chairperson said the Minister would brief the Committee on Thursday 9 September on the comprehensive housing plan recently approved by Cabinet. The presentation was originally scheduled for the following week but was brought forward at the request of the Minister. The Members were also notified of a briefing to be conducted by senior representatives of Statistics South Africa on Tuesday 14 September on the latest housing figures.

Report-back on Targets set by the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Mr G Schneemann (ANC) stated that the Summit had been hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to gauge local progress in meeting the targets of the 2002 Summit. Issues such as water provision, sanitation, human settlements and the environment had been considered. A key meeting was a Round Table on Human Settlements involving inputs from the Department of Housing, academics and community-based organisations. The discussions were not well guided in terms of assessing progress made. For example, attention was focused on the size and quality of houses, rather than on the overall impact of the projects in general. The second session focussed on the sustainability of human development and the State's role in providing housing. Despite some shortcomings, the overall assessment was that progress had been made although significant challenges remained, such as urbanisation and migration. The entire discussion was constrained because the Department had recently released a housing strategy on which representatives would not yet elaborate. The Summit however succeeded in identifying areas where significant improvement was needed. As regards the provision of water and sanitation, South Africa occupied a strong position globally and that commitments in the original Summit would be reached by 2008. Documents detailing WSSD agreements were handed out to delegates and these would also be circulated to Members in order to assist them with oversight responsibilities.

The Chairperson asked whether any other countries had been present at the Summit, as this had seemed to be the case in the original invitation.

Mr Schneemann reiterated that it was a South African event involving local delegates designed to ascertain local progress in meeting specific objectives determined at the original Summit. Some international speakers were present and certain SADC countries had representatives, but the emphasis was on local progress. Other countries were engaged in similar exercises conducting internal reviews.

Mr Steyn pondered how the local summit could reach comparative conclusions without substantial input from other regions. How could this be carried out without external information?

Mr Schneemann responded that comparisons had been made on the basis of reports submitted by specific countries to the United Nations. A book had been published that had detailed the achievements of the WSSD up to this point.

New Housing Plan - press statement by Minister of Housing
The Chairperson responded to suggestions from the Committee that all public reports and statements issued by the Minister should be emailed to Members via herself. The Chairperson reminded Members that she was present at the original press conference and asserted that such information had to be formally presented to the Committee. It had been appropriate that the Minister release the information at that time because the plan had been approved by the Cabinet the previous day.

Mr Schneemann agreed. He said that the Parliamentary Monitoring Group website was an excellent source of ministerial statements for Members [see
Ministry Media Briefings].

Building of the House Report
The Chairperson stated that the Committee's plan to assist in building the house had been approved by the Province and the Municipality and sites had been cleared. The first soil turning was likely to occur on 17 September, although this was not definite. The community supported the plan and the Provincial Housing Department was enthusiastic. The meeting had to decide an appropriate date for collective involvement.

Mr Steyn asked whether the Committee would be involved in the building of one or two houses and recommended that action commence after Members returned from vacation as the foundations and floors would have to be laid.

The Chairperson agreed that the Committee should remain focused on the original plan and post-vacation would seem to be appropriate. Members could also consider involving themselves in similar exercises in their own constituencies.

Mr Steyn referred to a recently circulated memo suggesting suitable sizes for work clothes that appeared unrealistic.

Mr Schneemann acknowledged that the details were incorrect and requested that Members provide respective clothes sizes at the conclusion of the meeting, to be forwarded to the Department.

The Chairperson promised that an updated programme of action for the Committee would be provided at the next meeting when Members returned from their constituencies.

The meeting was adjourned.


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