Reports on hearings on 2006/7 Workplans & Bugdets of Public Entities: adoption

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Employment and Labour

04 May 2006
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

4 May 2006

Chairperson: Ms O Kasienyane (ANC)

Documents handed out:
No documents handed out


The Committee adopted the reports on hearings of 2006/07 work plans and budgets of public entities. Members made technical amendments and a few changes to the recommendations in the reports. The Committee resolved to make arrangements with the Department of Labour for a presentation on how the Department hoped to achieve its objectives, as these were not clearly stated in the reports.

The Chairperson took the Committee through the reports on the progress made by public entities.
Members added comments that would assist the Committee to deal with the reports submitted by entities in future. The Committee agreed that it needed to look into the issue of entities that were not being utilised effectively by the public, possibly because of a lack of awareness by members of public. The Chairperson concluded that such comments and resolutions would be given attention at the next Committee workshop. The Committee adopted the reports.

Mr M Mzondeki (ANC) proposed that the Committee receive regular reports on funds not utilised by entities, which indicated why funds were not utilised.

Mr G Anthony (ANC) concurred and stated that it was evident that some entities needed to fast track the use of funds and as such the Committee needed to have standard criteria to monitor the use of funds by entities.

Mr B Mkongi (ANC) raised his concern that participation by young people was limited, especially in policy formulation. He felt the NPI (National Productivity Institute) could use that opportunity to equip young people with necessary skills to be more involved.

The meeting was adjourned.



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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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